Editorial Guidelines
At FeminineXo we take pride in providing you accurate, reliable, credible, engaging, and balanced information, and we review our content on an ongoing basis to ensure it is up-to-date and accurate.
We are committed to creating high-quality content that represents and serves all people, working with a diverse group of writers and editors representing a wide range of ages, races, gender identities, sexual orientations, ethnicities, and abilities, all of which reflects in our content. And, we aspire to provide the highest quality content produced by humans, for humans. It is against our guidelines to publish automatically generated content using AI (artificial intelligence) writing tools such as ChatGPT.
We uphold our integrity principle including the following policies:
Independence and Impartiality
We believe in independent, fair, and impartial journalism. Our editors and writers are held accountable to a high standard of honesty and transparency, and our original editorial content is not influenced by our advertisers. As such, we maintain a strict separation between advertising and editorial content. Any content that is provided by or on behalf of an advertiser or sponsor, is clearly labeled as such.
Product Reviews
All product reviews on are independent and based on research and product testing conducted by our editors and writers. We share the products we love and that we think our readers will love, too. If you visit certain links within our content, we may receive commissions from your purchases. We never receive compensation for recommending products within our content.
Sourcing and Fact Checking
Our writers and editors investigate claims and verify all information and data gathered for all articles, including news. We consult relevant, diverse, qualified sources to ensure we’re providing proper context and background to the reader.
We rely on current and reputable primary sources, such as expert interviews, government organizations, and professional and academic institutions and studies. All data points, facts, and claims are backed up by at least one credible source.
All of our news and information is thoroughly reviewed by a staff editor and articles are rigorously evaluated for accuracy, relevance, and timeliness.
If there is an error in a story, we will correct it as soon as possible. All corrections will be clearly labeled as such and will include what changes were made and when. When an article is factually correct, but the language is not as clear or detailed as necessary, the story may be updated without an editor’s note.
Timely and daily news stories generally cover a distinct event in time, so they are not routinely updated. Our editorial team consistently reevaluates and updates evergreen content to ensure everything is timely, accurate, and relevant. The date-stamp at the top of each article reflects when it was last updated.
If you’ve noticed an issue or error, please bring it to our attention by emailing
Diversity and Inclusion
At FeminineXo we aim to help everyone simplify their lives. Key to that mission is understanding the many structural and societal obstacles that our readers face and to respond with the most inclusive solutions.We know FeminineXo readers are not a monolith: We are many races, sizes, identities, and abilities, we form different relationships and families; and we follow different cultural and religious traditions. We want FeminineXo to be a valuable resource for all, and we will use our platform to foster inclusivity, equality, and human rights.